Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Here is my new-to-me 16 harness AVL I got on ebay.  My husband and I took a road trip a few weeks ago to pick it up and then I spent the next couple of weeks getting mechanical issues figured out.  I had problems with harnesses not raising properly.  But I contacted and the president of the company responded to my questions himself!  All it took was a couple washers on the arm of the dobby to adjust it and it works perfectly!  

I am a die-hard F2B warper, and with this folding loom I can easily reach the heddles from the back once I release the back beam.  My first warp was a simple 16-shaft point twill, so I pegged the warping order and by pulling the lever on the back of the dobby box to advance the dobby bars, I had the loom warped in no time!

You can also see my first pattern I tried out with some 3/2 perle cotton.  This is what it finally looked like after I worked out the mechanical problems.  I tried several different patterns and soon realized I will need additional dobby bars.  I'm going to have to start saving my pennies so that I can afford a compu-dobby!


  1. This is looking very nice, both the blog and the cloth. Congratulations.

  2. Thank you so much! I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to your challenge!
