Thursday, May 12, 2011

AVL Problems

I was so excited to get home from work last night.  I had warped my AVL with 8/2 black tencel set at 30 epi over the weekend and I was going to start on a set of 3 scarves in various point twill patterns. There was plenty of time to get 2 or 3 feet done on my first scarf. After starting, I noticed that the warp was not advancing. I played around with the adjustments on the arm of the automatic cloth advancement system, but then I figured out that that was working just fine, and front roller was spinning along just as it should be.  So....the only other possible problem must be the brake system in the back.  After spending a while trying to loosen it, I discovered I had put the springs on backward.  Once that was switched around it appeared to be working, but I had already spent a couple hours on it and had had enough!  So I went to bed.

When I got up this morning I looked at what I had woven last night. It's a disaster, as you can see here:

It's all smooshed together in some parts, and then stretched out in other parts.  I don't know whether to start over, or hope that it all comes out in the wash (literally).  I know tencel really expands when it gets wet, so maybe it will push itself into the right places, but I've never tried that with anything that's so distorted before.  It might be a good experiment!  I measured the length of the woven part, and it averages out to the right ppi, so it might be worth the risk.

Which brings me to the question of the day:  Is there an easy way to roll back the warp on an AVL advancing cloth system?  I will have to do some research.

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