Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I just finished my first FOs from the new AVL. They are 8/2 tencel scarves with a black warp, then I used different colors for the weft.  I also changed the design each time, keeping the same 16-shaft point twill threading.

I really like the green and the gray ones, but the eggplant looks like an ugly piece of upholstery fabric.  The design was quite prominent on the loom, but once it was wet finished, the design disappeared. 

Off to the box of ugly FOs!  I've collected quite a few of them over the years and I just can't bring myself to throw them away.  What do you do with them?


  1. I've found over the years that the FO's that I have hated the most are some of the first things noticed and loved by people I show my stuff to.

    Everyone loves something different - for that matter, I think the purple one is pretty fabulous.

  2. Well, thank you! And that gives me an idea. I'm going to have a house full of people in a couple of weeks who will be in town to attend my niece's wedding. I will gift it to the first person who likes it!
